San Diego's eastern escarpment plunges into the vast and forbidding Sonoran desert—a true land of drought interrupted by rare and precious deluge. The desert climate lays bare the earth and its history; the vastness of time and space impress upon the senses with ecstatic clarity. Desert Visions is a journey through the desert sublime, a hallucinatory passage through geologic and spiritual time, with visions at the edge of prehistoric seas and in cavernous valleys. Curator Christopher Adler presents two of his compositions, Strata for solo celesta and Song for a Form Carved by Water for solo saxophone, along with Walk in Beauty by legend of west coast postminimalism Peter Garland, and two works that feature saxophonist Allison Adams, Christohper's colleague from the annual nief-norf Summer Festival in Knoxville, Tennessee. (Details at San Diego New Music.)